Alternative remedy to coronavirus
Alternative remedy to coronavirus
By Bayo Fasuwon
The Yorubas have a saying that during the burial of an Elephant, different types of knives would surface, and that many roads lead to a market. They are also of the opinion that it does not matter if one ties the wrapper to the loins or type loins to the wrapper, the important thing is that the loins must not be naked.
This proverbial perception is of importance as the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the urgency and devastating impact of the pandemic on the health, economic and socio-political lives of the global community, the need to overcome it becomes imperative.
Therefore, every one that seems to have a perceived remedy should shout at the roof tops for recognition, trial and acceptance. However, of all the remedies, the medical seem to have global acceptance, although it is slow to arrive at. As we speak, the COVID 19 vaccine is still undergoing tests and trials and may not be ready until around September or beyond. As the Yorubas would say, a roasted dog is sweet, but what shall we eat while the dog gets done.
The nature of medical remedy is such that it is meticulous and takes into considerations many factors before a drug is accepted for the cure of a disease, no matter how devastating it is. Normal day experience shows that when the sick go to the hospital to seek for remedies, they are made to sit down and patiently wait for their turns. I have witnessed cases where patients would be reeling in pain, sighing or breathing heavily, and Nurses seem unperturbed, encouraging the patient to endure till the Doctor appears. The appearance of the Doctor however does not mean the administration of drugs. Sometimes, the ‘suffering and dying’ patient is asked to go for laboratory tests and bring results that would aid in proper diagnosis. Then medical history of the patient is considered before drugs are administered. This method is cumbersome, time consuming but effective. When patients cannot endure, they seek for alternatives. Such is the case of the COVID 19, which some scientists have concluded is the combination of several fatal diseases in one. While the medical community has celebrated the use of Chloroquine based drugs, yet it is not uhuru. The desperation for a cure could have made the United States President suggested the consumption of some antiseptic as a possible remedy.
The medical community, especially in Nigeria has come under knocks for ‘not considering’ even the medical remedies purportedly discovered in the nation. Professor Maurice Iwu and other academics in the nation have proclaimed that they have a cure for this disease. However, the same story as it was for Abalaka is that government does not seem interested in supporting their innovation or even accepting to test their discoveries on Nigerian patients, the same way the vaccine is being tested on volunteers in developed countries of the world. To them, government attitude is always negative towards products that are made in Nigeria, as it was demonstrated in the non patronization of the Innoson motors. Nigerians are also eager that the Federal Government would publish the drugs used by her medical practitioners that saw to the recoveries of Mallam Nasir El Rufai, Atiku’s son and a host of others,
While the medical search continues, Apostle Suleiman, a cleric had approached the government for access to the COVID-19 patients. He is of the opinion that prayers of faith can heal the sick. In this vein, though more radical and volatile than the Apostle, Bishop David Oyedepo had insisted that there is no sense keeping the Church shut when markets are open for transactions. He is of the opinion that when the Churches are allowed to hold, then collective and intensive prayers can be made to God that would heal the sick, annihilate the virus, and destroy the demonic influence of the diseases all over the world. If the various testimonies about divine healing are anything to go by, then this alternative remedy is worth consideration. However, given that level of faith differs, and the infectious nature of the disease, government may be wary of their requests. On the other hand, this alternative may not be totally set aside, as faith is effective to those who believe. The method however may be modified. The Bible says handkerchiefs were taken from the Apostles and laid on the sick, which then got healed. Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola prayed into water, and it was given to the sick, which were said got well. In this vein, faith healers can toe the same line, pray on face masks, handkerchiefs, water and other materials and send such to those who believe in such. This would still sustain social distancing, reduce physical touches, and also contribute to the usage of face masks. It is quite possible that many can get healed through this method for those who believe. The government should not throw away the baby with the bath water, while men of God should not restrict the power of God to physical contacts alone.
The other alternative in Nigeria is the herbal treatment. The Ooni of Ife, had hinted that local herbs can adequately take care of the global virus. The Governor of Oyo State had also stated that he got over his COVID 19 infections by using local herbs, and has recommended the use of such. All over the social media are the recommendations that garlic, ginger and other herbs can be effectual against the pandemic. The impetus to the use of local herbs came with the anti COVID Madagascar drink, primarily derived from local herbs. Many nations have imported this herb as one writes. Herbs are effective against many diseases, without doubt. While the Europeans died of malaria, herbs had saved the lives of many Africans. The late Dr. Tai Solarin had used herbal remedies for his asthma, and it was effective. However, certain herbs can be destructive to certain organs in the body. While a combination of herbs can cure a given ailment, but such can destroy other vital parts of the body, and should be used with caution. However, is that not the nature of all drugs? If that be the case, the need to scientifically interrogate the components of the herbal mixtures, and clinically use it against the disease is essential. The infection rate is increasing astronomically, the need to cautiously apply other remedies to the COVID 19 pandemic is essential.