Destructive beginning of a new decade
Destructive beginning of a new decade
By Bayo Fasunwon
Many events have affected the world and nations, thereby distorting the traditional perception of our existence in the global and local political systems. The global milieu is filled with tears, pains and caution over the outbreak of the deadly Coronavirus. The Virus has defied logic and the social classifications of man. Thus the President of a nation, respectable footballers, coach and important persons in the society have caught the same viral infections that terminates the life of the poor too.
So many matches have been cancelled, flights stopped and many people under quarantine… The fear generated by the pandemic has forced nations to shut their borders, cancelled flights, stopped visa issuances, and prohibited importations. It is a paradox that Nigeria, which closed her borders when others opened theirs is not restricting migrations when other nations are restricting such all over the world.
As the world groans under the heavy burden of the virus, the oil producing countries were hit with a drastic reduction in crude oil prices thereby presenting grave implications to economic stability, growth, development and sustenance. Nigeria is also a victim of this global phenomenon thereby placing doubts on the Buhari led administrations capacity to deliver on election promises and funding of capital projects. Already, the nation has been warned of tough times ahead. Nigeria is therefore unfortunately under the attacks of socio-economic, political and health forces. Survival therefore seems bleak for both the leaders and the led in the society.
The Corona virus outbreak however had overshadowed the drop in oil prices. Rather than focus on the economic doom that oil devaluation may cause, all nations are frantic about the undesirable outcomes of the virus. Every day, a nation announces that the virus has berthed in their dock with devastating effects. Now, stadia are shut down, imports are dissuaded, tourist travelling is put on hold and many business transactions which could have held have been postponed indefinitely. The implication of this remains that the world economy, giving the drop in share prices, and demands, is heading towards a disaster.
We are about to witness the fall in the supremacy of paper money and the crumbling of credit oriented economies. Some of the people that have died and would die of the diseases would not be in position to pay debts owed to credit institutions, and the smart fraudsters, identity thieves’ and habitual debtors would hide under the outbreak to perpetuate more criminal activities. The crave for foreign goods would dwindle, and maybe Nigerians would be grateful to the Buhari led government for weaning them from foreign ‘milk’. However, local industries that depend on foreign technologies and technocrats may suffer from the incidence of Corona virus. In the event that the technologies and engineers could not get to the nations of need, then the small scale, and even large scale enterprises would be grossly affected. Besides, COVID-19 portends the possibilities of famine. With people placed on quarantine, and home isolation, panic buying of food stuffs may arise. Nations that depend on food imports to feed their teeming populations may be in for a tough time. Beyond being a disease, the COVID-19 has become an economic weapon of destabilization.
The Corona virus has also affected the social relations across the world. When the Human Immune Deficiency Virus came into existence, stigmatization was discouraged, however, with Corona virus, total avoidance of the infected is the best preventive measure. Therefore, affection for the infected becomes a taboo. Parents, children, friends, relatives and spouses therefore watch helplessly from afar while their loved ones cough to death. Travelling with public transport system has also become dreadful for fear of infection or quarantine, if one has been discovered to have travelled with an infected co-passenger or driver.
In Saudi Arabia and Italy famously populated worship centres have been abandoned. Now, the Pope is aware that people can sit in the comfort of their homes and worship God, via satellite. Corona virus has therefore lured Churches into the beginning of Church history, where the believers had no church but only moved from house to house in service to God. The religion of gathering multitudes seemed to have been de-mystified. Also, schools have been shut down, and students are advised to continue their home studies via internet teaching. However, since not all nations could attempt such programmatic study procedure, many had shot down the school system, waiting for the fever to come to an abrupt end. But, when would that be?
Nigeria falls into one of these nations that are free for now. It is also important to note that the virus had not recorded much deficits as other nations in the world. On social media, Mike Bamiloye hinted that the various prayers and fasting by different churches to usher in the New Year has been the ‘immunization’ of the nation against the virus. However, beyond fasting and prayer, the State and Federal Government must be ready to invest into the eradication of the virus. Therefore, specific grants and aids must be prepared and given to the health sector for researches, equipment and logistics against the virus outbreak. More than ever before, this is not the time to starve workers of their wages. Besides, Health workers should also realize that this is not the right time to embark on any strike, irrespective of Governments insensitivity. Aside this, the quick and proper refuse disposal must be a priority to various governments. If cleanliness is achieved, viral infections may abate.
Finally, this is not the time to run comedy skits depicting the viral infections on the social media. Rather content producers should produce visuals and audios that educate the members of the public on the severity of the COVID-19 and how it can be prevented. This is no time for inconvenient jestings. Government through the National Orientation Agency should avail Nigerians with the tools that would stop the spread of the disease in Nigeria. May the COVID-19 have a cure soonest, and may Nigeria never be a landlord to this unwanted tenant.