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Explore benefits of Ore Industrial Park, MSMEs urged

By Francis Akinnodi


The management of Ore Industrial Park has called on Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) in Ondo State to explore the inexhaustible benefits attached to the industrial facility to repress unemployment, restive Ness among other societal malaise.

Managing Director, Dr. Femi Akinkuebi who described the park as the largest in the South West, said the derived benefits for artisans would also identify bottlenecks and bring about economic resurgence of the Country.

He explained that government would give grants to Medium and Small Scale enterprise in the state to boost their business.

According to him, “MSMEs are known to have significant relevance to all world’s economies. In most parts of the world, they constitute about 90 percent of all business enterprises while in Nigeria, SMEs contribute 48% of national GDP, and it also account for 96% of businesses and 84% of employment”

The industrialist explained that the Ondo State Government, as part of its huge commitment to ensuring the growth of MSMES for economic development, has dedicated over 50 hectares for SMEs.

“There’s a need for us to collectively change the narrative from a civil servant state to an emerging industrial giant, this we can achieve by using our numerous resources to transform the State to a manufacturing hub.”

Impressed with the industry’s architectural masterpiece coupled with its aesthetic output, Ondo State Chairman, Nigeria Association of Small Scale Industrialists (NASSI), Greatsheyi Akintunde commended the Akeredolu led administration in the state and the management of the facility.

He said “The opportunity here is massive compared to Akure Mini industrial park or any other industrial park in the South-West, every serious investor should be here”

The Ore Industrial Park is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) between the Ondo State Government and Hessmac Industry Limited, which is established on a massive 1000 hectares of eco-friendly and industrially zoned land.

“The Park also had its own installed 30MW trio-fuel independent power plant which is dedicated to providing power in the park”, he said.

Explore benefits of Ore  Industrial Park, MSMEs urged

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