Factors for success every woman should know
Factors for success every woman should know
By Josephine oguntoyinbo
Everyone wants two things in life, which are success and happiness. Although, your idea of success may be different from others, there is one fixed factor which all of us must learn to handle if we must be successful or happy.
The fixed factor is the same whether you are a lawyer, doctor, business person, student, housewife or parent , This factor is “Other People”.
Psychologists have proven that if you learn how to deal with other people, you have secured the master key to success and personal happiness.
Look around you, do the most successful people you know have the best brains or the most skills, abilities and knowledge? Are the people who are the happiest so much smarter than the other people you know ? Just do a quick reflection and you will discover that the people who are most successful and enjoy life the most, are those who “Have a way” with other people.
If you are desirous of dealing with people effectively, you must be conscious of the following truisms about human nature which are: All human beings are ego-hungry
We are all more interested in ourselves than in anything else in the world
* Every person you meet wants to feel important.
* Every human being craves for the approval of other humans, so that he can approve of himself.
Therefore, to be able to “have your way” with people, you must operate at three frequencies. Firstly, you must convince yourself sufficiently that other people are important and that every person wants to be treated as such. Men and women who have the most influence with other people are those who believe that other people are important.
You must equally notice other people subconsciously. We know that we pay attention only to what is of importance to us. In fact, day to day , we do not notice many things that is around us, we selectively notice what is important at any moment. Therefore you are paying someone a big compliment when you “notice” him or her. You are suggesting to them that you recognise his or her importance and this could make a world of difference in their motivation to work, cooperation, loyalty, self-esteem and responsiveness.
Some of the issues relating to low productivity, nastiness in children and complaints among married couples are traceable to non- recognition of the other person’s importance.
Also, do not lord over people. Be careful that you do not deploy your own personal need because of its importance to undermine others or make them feel less important. Consciously or unconsciously, we want to make good impressions on others in interpersonal contacts.
If someone tells of some great feat he or she performed, we at once think of something we did that was even greater. Often, we are so anxious to impress the other person that will make him or her feel inferior and make us appear superior.
It is important to make a good impression on the other fellow. However, the most effective way of impressing the other person is to let him or her know that you are proud of their achievement.
Therefore, let people know that you are impressed by their actions and he or she will judge you as one of the smartest, most personable individual they ever met and be able to recommend you anywhere.
You must understand that it is not enough to have talents and skills. You must understand the power of building valuable relationships.
It was a wise man that said, your network is directly proportional to your net worth.
Relationship is a currency. Relationship is a stream of income. Everything in this life actually reproduces on the basis of relationship.