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Facts about rabbit meat

By Oluwatomi Olatoye


:1. The office of home economics, state relations of the U S Department of Agriculture has made extensive tests and have stated that domestic rabbit meat is the most nutritious meat known to man.

  1. Cholesterol level in rabbit meat is much lower than chicken, turkey, beef, pork.
  2. Rabbit is lower in percentage of fat than chicken, turkey, beef, and pork.
  3. Rabbit is highest in protein%.

5.Rabbit meat has been used and is suitable for special diets, such as those for heart disease patients, diets for the aged, low sodium diets, weight reduction diets, etc.

  1. In England over one Million families have rabbits. In America, people eat 30 million pounds of rabbit meat each year.
  2. Rabbits will produce three kilogram of meat on the same feed and water as a cow will produce half a kilo of meat on the same feed and water.
  3. Baby rabbits feed of mothers milk so rich that they can double their weight in six short days as compared to a pig at 14 days, calves 47 days, and humans 160 days.
  4. Rabbits are raised up off the ground and is one of the cleanest meat.
  5. Rabbits are among the most productive of domestic livestock.
  6. As the worlds human population grows there will be less land to raise food. The rabbit will play a more increasing role in this supply.
  7. Rabbits can be raised on both small and large scale production.
  8. France is the world’s largest producer and consumer of rabbit meat. In Hungary there are rabbitries with over 10,000 does producing rabbits for export to Italy.
  9. Rabbit meat is all white meat.
  10. Rabbit was the number 1 Export item of Red China.
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