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Fashion shorts or underwear?

By Kemi Olatunde

One of the popular witty expressions says ” Dress the way you want to be addressed” which means that the way one dresses speaks a lot about the person. But recently caution seems to have been thrown to the wind, as indecent dressing has become the trend even in our religious places.

Indecent dressing has become one of the defining factors of class differentiation in the society in recent times and this has shown decadence in our culture. We are now in a generation where everything goes and it is not limited to a particular class, even though it is rampant among the youth.

One of such are the shorts being worn by the female gender. It is shocking to see people go about in this. It is true that it is in vogue, as those who have adapted the crazy dress code say but I must ask, where is our decency? No culture in this clime supports such dressing. It breaks the heart to see people who have embraced this lifestyle struggle to meet the standard.

It has come to characterise the dress sense of many people to functions, including religious gatherings and the effects of indecent dressing can also lead to sexual abuse, loss of self-respect and erosion of dignity among female students.

The major controversy over the issues of dressing and indecent dressing in particular have continued to attract reactions from different people of various backgrounds, orientation, values and culture across the globe.

 Public wearing of underwear-like shorts indecent- Older women

According to a parent, Mrs Aina Adebola, ” It is unfortunate that standard has fallen in the society and parents are not helping because they don’t have time for their children. There are many reasons why young girls come out in indecent dresses but the most important, I think, has to do with self-esteem. When a young girl feels inadequate, lacking in self-confidence, she will do anything to draw attention to herself, and wearing indecent clothes could be her way of doing that. They forget that for every action, there is a reaction; and that is why we have series of cases like rape. Most young women have fallen victims to rape because of the provocative dresses they put on. I believe that indecent dressing debases womanhood because it tends to expose parts of the woman’s body that form her treasure. Our pride as women lies in hidden and protected treasure; but when a girl exposes it to the public, it reduces her worth in the sight of everyone in society and it makes the man to lose respect for her; there won’t be anything left for the man to explore. Any man that will come after her will only be doing so out of lust, and just to devour what she has displayed for him. Even if you are decent but decide to wear indecent clothes, people will insult you,” she said.

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A 68-year old grandmother, Mrs Juliana Jacob lamented the bastardization of the African culture describing it as signs of the end time.

“What we see in recent times is awful. How will a lady or woman go out naked? The thigh isn’t supposed to be seen by anyone not to talk of the opposite sex. I weep for this generation of Jezebels because if we are not careful, we will start witnessing rape in broad day light. A man who may be moved by what he sees may not be able to control himself due to high intake of drug.

“We were not raised like this. We were raised to cover every part of our body. The short the go about in should be an inner wear. I feel ashamed when I see things like this as a woman. My children cannot dress like that not to talk of my grandchildren. The younger children too are not left out as seen in different outings including weddings, malls even in churches. A woman who is decently dressed wears a short for the daughter recently and when she was corrected in my presence she said that she is just a little child. Those who are of this opinion are playing with fire as the children will grow up with the mentality of indecent dressing.” She said.

She stressed the need for all to be decently dressed at all times calling on government to put in place measures to prevent our culture from going into extinction.

According to a post on a social media platform on indecent dressing to Church, an anonymous poster said; “It’s either you are a Christian or an anti christ

If your dressing does not glorify God but bring dishonor to the name of Christ you’re definitely not a Christian but an anti christ.

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“It is high time serious minded Pastors started sending unclad ladies/ women (long term worshippers) back home because they know the truth and they are not ready to do it. There is a difference between a church and a motel.

“According to Matthew 21:12

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves. If Jesus could do this, why are pastors justifying indecency in the house of Gods.

” 1 Corinthians 3:16 says; ‘Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?’

“Also 1 Corinthians 3:17 says; ‘if any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.’

“Indecency saddens God, indecency does not increase anyone’s beauty but it passes a message of moral decadence.

Those with a lust for indecent dressing should turn to God and begin life afresh!”

Hot weather and fashion in vogue make us wear shorts, younger women insist.

A 27 year old Fashion Designer, Bisola Ajayi who was in shorts, stated that it is not wrong to put on what perfectly fits one’s body, noting that the world is no longer in the old age.

“It will be so sad if at this stage of my life I don’t know what is good for me. I am a graduate and that tells you that I am well informed. I don’t only put on these shorts, I also make it for my customers. The weather is hot, the heat is not from this world and as such people need to put on what they are comfortable in. I can’t suffocate myself. What obtains in Akure in this regard is obtainable all over the world. It is in voque and we must follow the trend,” she said.

A mother of three and civil servant, Mrs Grace Akanbi also described it as a fashion style that could send the wrong signal to the male folk.

“I don’t really like the idea but I have to follow the trend. My husband likes it when I dress that way. I am a Christian and based on my religion, it must not be acceptable but my partner wants me to join the clique of those who put it on. My husband bought all the ones I have for me and I put it on whenever we are to go out together.

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“After God, my husband is next, thus, I must obey his decision. I don’t really feel comfortable in it; if my husband can stop me from wearing it, I will be glad but the reverse is the case. My husband is always proud of me each time we are out together while in it. He likes the way other men admire my figure.

“I gave in to it because it is what the side chicks out there wear. If as a wife your husband wants it and you don’t do it, then you may be losing your husband to the wrong person. It is better for me to join the train so that my marriage can be peaceful,” she explained.

A 12-year old JSS 2 student, Michelle Irewole described those putting it on as ill-mannered. She said; “Recently, my Aunt paid us a visit from the UK and among the clothes she bought for me was a crazy shorts. My mother removed it from the other items and told me never to put it on. It was a crazy jean shorts. Although I am not a fan of shorts but I wanted to give it a try. But my mother said that those who wear it are not well cultured. I believe whatever she says because she can never lead me astray. Since then, I have adopted her words and I have been cautioning those close to me against it.”

A hair dresser, Mrs. Catherine Abe, noted that it is important that people dress decently, saying, “Your dressing determines the type of people that come into your life.

“People tend to justify their actions but I must say that our culture embraces decency. Why should a lady expose herself all in the name of fashion. It is shameful that some married women follow the trend of the madness; wearing an underwear outside!

“A lot of customers wear it to my shop, including the married. I stylishly asked a woman why she was in it and she said that it made her comfortable. What a world! I can never wear it because it will be like I’m being watched by everyone and besides, the society sees those in it as wayward.”

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Fashion shorts or underwear?

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