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Godfatherism in Politics

GODFATHERISM as a concept is an acceptable norm in many spheres of life. Orthodox Christians have godfathers for every child, and the former stand as godfatherism took its root from the nationalists who by virtue of education and passion for political independence of the nation gathered followers who were trained in activism and political ascendancy. Therefore, the likes of late ObafemiAwolowo, Herbert Macaulay, Ahmadu Bello, Nnamdi Azikiwe and others became godfathers by virtue of their ideology, political mentorship and astute leadership. Viewing from the lens of these past leaders, godfathers occupied vital positions for the positioning of men and women in power for the development of their regions and the nation as a whole.
HOWEVER, given the high cost of politics, and unfortunately the moral decadence of present day politicians, there was a crisis as the rich lacked trustworthiness, while the trustworthy were in penury. The outcome of this irony is that the rich sponsor their godsons into governance, and then expect the sponsored to live to the expectations of their benefactors, and not the people. The unparalleled focus of ambition between the godfathers and godsons is the major cause of skirmishes, violence and political distortions at the party level in Nigeria.
THE Hope observes keenly that unlike the early politics and development of godfatherism in Nigeria, present day godfathers are neither mentors nor leaders, but rather investors, who capture state for returns on their investment. Therefore, the contemporary godfathers are really not interested in the welfare and development of the States over which their godsons dominate. Rather, their focus would be on getting contracts, oil wells that may never be commenced nor completed; pawns in power who will be loyal to the godfathers rather than to the state or governors, and also determine who gets what, when and how in such a political system. Thus, and sadly too, prebendalism becomes the major focus of the political godfathers in Nigeria’s politics. The various political upheavals that took place in Kwara, Oyo, Anambra, and currently Edo State are fallouts of failed political agreements.
INTERESTINGLY, the contemporary godfathers who had sold the candidature of their godsons, and had foisted them on the people had also in recent times sponsored their political downfalls and denigration due to latter’s non conformity to the prebendal agenda of their benefactors. The Hope perceives this action as an attempt by godfathers to exacerbate the political seclusion of the progressives and people oriented participants in the nation’s game of politics. Within this background, we are not surprised that many achievements of faithful godsons have had little or no impact on the people in the long run. The concept of development therefore is restricted to activities that enrich the godfathers and impoverish the people.
THE Hope is of the opinion that from the initial intents and purposes, ‘political kingmaker’ which is translated as ‘godfatherism’ in contemporary politics is not an aberration in Nigeria. The coinage of ‘godfathers’ rather is a misnomer that depicts a mafia boss in politics, which beclouds the purposes of mentors and kingmakers in Nigerian politics. While we also submit that the rising cost of democracy cannot erode the influence of kingmakers in the nation’s politics. We are, however, demanding that such political benefactors must toe the line of example laid by past political leaders who had the development of the people and nation as the determinants of their actions and inactions.
IT would also be beneficial and advantageous if the cost of political participation and emergence as political parties’ candidates is grossly reduced in order to curtail the influence and fury of money bags in politics. Furthermore, Nigeria’s democracy has also developed to the stage whereby members of political parties should be financiers of the party and candidates through the payment of dues, and pledges, as this would reduce the influence of a great financier that seeks to control the party and candidates. In addition, the Option A4 that was adopted in the celebrated 1993 elections could also help in limiting the excesses of ‘godfathers’ in the nation’s politics.
THE issue of godfatherism in all intents and purposes could have emerged altruistically, but it has been abused. As the cost of politicking continues to increase, money politics, and in turn, godfatherism, in its negative form would continue to exist in our political space.

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Godfatherism in  Politics

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