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Ondo’s Mandatory Nose Mask

Ondo’s Mandatory Nose Mask

Barring any last minute change of plans, people of Ondo state are to compulsorily wear nose masks whenever they go out. This directive was in line with South West Governors’ agreement making wearing nose masks compulsory in the public places. The governors made this decision with a view to curbing the spread of coronavirus, a deadly disease that is  posing  a strong  challenge to the world’s health.

IT is arguably the most deadly disease in recent time. For example, statistics showed that about 3.2 million persons are presently infected out of which 1. 7 million had recovered while 228,398 lives were lost to the pandemic.

IN Nigeria, 1,728 cases were reported out of which 307 persons  have recovered and 51 died. The number would continue to be on the increase as the nation just entered the second face of the pandemic (The transmitting stage). Lagos for example has recorded 931 cases. It’s followed by Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Kano ,Ogun which recorded 174,139 and 50 respectively.  Lagos state is not resting on its oars as it has tested over 1.5million people. The  test was a reflection of  huge  number of  cases in the  state.

THERE are two modes of transmitting the virus, that is imported cases and community transmition. It is the second face that is currently affecting Kano state as no fewer than 640 were reported  to have died  over issue related to COVID -19.

IT is also this that has prompted the South West governors to have directed the use of nose masks in public places. The Ondo state government is not leaving any stone unturned, it has inaugurated a committee that would produce  mass face masks with a view to distributing  them to people in the state at no cost.

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THE  use of nose mask is not a novel idea. In some places like Lombardy, the worst hit region of Italy, face masks are mandatory. The UK government also recommend widespread use of them, while as of April 3, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that people wear “cloth face coverings” when they go out – and even provided instructions for how to make one. Experts even believe that wearing masks in public places  is a likely reason why the virus was better controlled in China, South Korea, Japan, among other countries.

THE universal use of mouth and nose covering with masks is a low-risk intervention that can only assist in reducing the spread of this terrible illness. If everyone wears a mask, individuals protect one another, reducing overall community transmission. It could even remind people not to touch their faces after touching potentially contaminated surfaces.

ALSO, Centre for Disease Control, CDC of the World Health Organisation, WHO revealed that wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission is desirable

WE therefore commend the South west governors for the pragmatic approach to the scourge in the south west Nigeria. We place it on record that their proactive quick responses account for why the region is recording such low number of cases. We also place it on record the invaluable contribution of Governor Rotimi Akeredolu to issues relating to COVID-19 in the state.

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WE therefore encourage people of the state to embrace the culture of nose mask. We are not unaware  that  nose mask is not part of our culture, we plead that  people  should show understanding with the government’s decision and comply with the directive because it is for our collective survival.

WE also charge committee saddled with the responsibility to produce  nose masks not to exploit the  situation but show love through prompt and exact delivery of the products for distribution to people of the state. This is not a period to exploit others.

WE  plead with the police that criminal elements in the state should not hide under the guise of wearing  nose mask to perpetrate  nefarious activities. We therefore call on them to be  up to the task by providing adequate protection for people of the state.


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