State Police as elixir to insecurity
By Ayodele Fagbohun
It is not unexpected that President Muhammadu Buhari would raise pertinent constitutional issue on the necessity for state police otherwise known as community policing.
A security architectural arrangement by states or regions to combat headlong and put paid to recurring and intractable upsurge of violent herders’ attacks, ritual killings, murders, banditry and insecurity across the country.
What is expected at this dire and inauspicious situation from Mr. President is to be proactive in re-organising the vital tools of good governance engendered in a democracy to facilitate creation of state police even in ad-hoc basis in the six (6) geo-political zones currently in operation in Nigeria,
This can serve as a pilot scheme to be test run and later to be successfully deployed and run its full course at the state level.
Common sense dictates that an individual let alone the entire people within a territory, the state, a geo-political zone threatened by upsurge of faceless and ubiquitous herdsmen attacks, ritual killing and banditry incapacitated to defend themselves and their territory as the case may be.
What is worse, the government is equally rendered ineffective and weak by sheer indecision, top-heaviness and dearth of courageous unselfish personnel with right ideological orientation to operate and run true federalism as the only modus operandi from the obtuse purblind administrations foisted on the nation over the years.
It is now too late in the day and a rude shock for President Buhari to dismiss the relevance of state police and charged our traditional or natural rulers to be more involved in safeguarding their domains knowing fully well that some monarchs are neither morally nor spiritually invulnerable to ward off the menace of security threats let alone providing security cover within their domains.
The kidnappers and bandits demand outrageous ransom, violate the inner sanctum of their victims and deplete their ranks with impunity.
President Buhari should not be oblivious of the hapless and precarious situation of our monarchs and deeply appreciate the tremendous successful outing of the Western Nigerian Security Network codenamed “Amotekun.” Not minding the initial paranoid and envious disposition of a vicious cabal lurking within presidency to scuttle the innocuous regional security outfit designed first and foremost to complement and bolster the waning efforts of Nigeria Police often overstretched to its limit.
Thanks for the statesmanship of Mr. President who waded in and allowed reason to prevail.
Now Amotekun has come to stay and is performing effectively in securing the southwest with particular attention and sharp focus to Ondo State that enjoys relative peace now.
Irresistibly, I urge President Buhari led Federal Government to take decisive measure and stave off the country from the brink of collapse and disintegration due to the unrelenting criminal activities of bandits and terrorists having taken over the rein of governance by default.
Federal Government should set up with immediate effect necessary machinery in synergy with the National Assembly and other stakeholders to wit promulgate the existing six(6) geo-political zones as federating units in the country.
This will certainly ensure effective and efficient service delivery and stabilize democracy on sure footing.
On the proviso, the principle of true federation, revenue allocation, state police known as regionalization of the police demand on creation of more states on emphasis on geographical contiguity and viability that assist the cause of participatory democracy are respected.
As a nation, we are liberty bound to sit down and redraw the political map of the country to reflect the administrative structures conducive for good government with minimum overhead cost.
It is mere platitude to say and insist that state governors will abuse state police. Is Federal Government free of the similar charge? Any one that lives in glass house should not throw stones!
However, Nigeria Police and the state police, even the local government police must be completely above party politics. If they are to perform their statutory duties efficiently.
Police men and women all over the world are employed by the tax payers. Fund to keep the public peace and mainly to ensure that security of the state is intact.
By virtue of their training and responsibility, police are forbidden from showing interest in partisan politics. Their tenure of office or promotion prospect is not determined by politicians who come into and go our of office. Indeed, their loyalty begins and ends with the state on whom they owe allegiance.
It is plain mischief making and by insinuations and innuendoes to arrogate role of police to over revered monarchs. This is in contrast to their dignified role as true custodians and repositories of people’s cultural heritage eminently conferred on them by birth.
The Queen of England is an exemplary symbol of monarch which should be emulated by the people of Nigeria. The Queen is never known to practice or indulge in any form of barbaric, venal and self serving politics save for the formal opening, proroguing of the parliament and other state functions that enhance the social prestige, kudos and etiquette of the Britons.
To save the institution of monarchy (Obaship) from being blown into inevitable extinction due to its anachronism, there is urgent need to learn fast how British monarch thrives in juxtaposition with political intrigues.
In addition, education is sine-qua-non to and engine of fundamental growth, national planning and development of any serious nation. Unfortunately, only a negligible fractional percentage in the national budget is niggardly allocated to this essential sector. It is a far cry from what UNESCO advisedly enjoins developing countries, Nigeria inclusive, to commit at least 25 percent national budget to their critical and neglected sector of the economy.
Federal Government should brace up and declare free education at all levels to invest solidly in mass education and provision of enabling environment conducive for various job opportunities to excel . This will curb youth restiveness which is the nursery bed of insecurity wanting to swallow the country in one fell swoop.
Dr. Nelson Mandela, first elected black president of South Africa said, “Education is a powerful weapon or tool with which you can change and transform the world.” Our national leadership and political aspirants genuinely desire to serve should pounder on what Mandela said and practiced on education to have a positive change of heart to transform the country.
Nigeria is ripe for a new constitution or at best for now constitutional amendment to allow the state police which will only be answerable to the people and the state.