
Why you should eat more of garden eggs (Igba)

By Afolabi Olamiotan

Garden egg botanically known as “solanum melongena” and otherwise known as Eggplant is a popular traditional vegetable In tropical Africa,it is widely grown for its leaves and fruits. The vegetable fruit can be consumed fresh as well as boiled, steamed, pickled while the young leaves are often used in soups and with other vegetables.
Eggplant is predominantly grown in Africa, especially in central and West Africa (Nigeria in particular).It is commonly known as “Igba” in western part of Nigeria, it is a small white or green fruit with teardrop or roundish shape.
Igba is a great source of dietary fiber, Minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese and small amount of Iron. The vegeteable fruit is also a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6(niacin), B1(thiamine) and Folate.
There are several health benefits an individual derives from the consumption of garden egg.
One, Garden egg is a natural source of Vitamin B’s such as thiamine (B1),niacin and pathothenic acid that helps the body in the proper use of fat and protein and also contributes to the nervous system positively. These vitamins helps in brain development and also helps in making sure that the immune and nervous system works properly.
Two, this vegetable fruit has been found to serve as a natural medicine for treating several health conditions such as bronchitis (inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs), also help in stress and headache relief.
Three, Igba is a rich source of Iron which helps increase the red blood cell in the body, thereby aids in fighting against anemia or Iron deficiency.
The vegetable fruit helps in preventing liver disorder and help control sugar level. The antioxidants in garden egg help protect the liver from certain toxins, garden egg being a good source of fiber also helps control blood sugar level making it a great dietary option for diabetic patients, it ability to reduce glucose absorption in the body and lower blood sugar levels.
Eggplant as it is also known, help reduce calorie intake by making a person feel fuller for longer period,they act as bulking agents due to the present of dietary fiber. Eating eggplant will help in weight reduction because it also contain low carbohydrates and calories which is essential for weight management. An overweight individuals who want to lose weight or want to maintain their average body weight can also add eggplant to their diet.
Igba which contains high amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus that helps in maintaining electrolyte balance in our body, help in neutralizing sodium effects in the body, thereby controlling blood pressure levels.
Garden egg contain good amount of minerals like manganese, magnesium, copper and vitamins like folic acid and vitamin K that support bone strengthening and general bone health. Eating more of this vegetable fruit prevents the risk of bone degradation and osteoporosis.
The regular consumption of eggplant prevents heart diseases because it is rich in Vitamin B1 and B6 (thiamine and niacin) which are essential for proper functioning in the heart and cellular respiration respectively. The deficiency of these two vitamins lead to cardiovascular and nervous system problems.
It (garden egg) also aid good digestion because is a fibrous fruit which helps in proper food digestion and control of bowel movement due to the fiber content in the fruit, they also helps to reduce constipation.
Finally, Igba being a good source of soluble fiber can help control and prevent diabetes, it is an excellent food for people who have diabetes as it will go a long way in reducing and preventing type 2 diabetes.
v Prevents liver disorder
v Rich in Vitamin B
v Aids weight loss
v Promotes healthy bone
v Prevents heart disease
v Aids digestions
v Treats diebetes
v Fights Anaemia
v Maintains blood pressure
v Aids weight loss

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Why you should eat more  of garden eggs (Igba)

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Why you should eat more  of garden eggs (Igba)

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