#Business Tutor

Think Entrepreneurship: Skill acquisitions (9) Make-up artistry

By Abosede Ajala


The entrepreneurship education curriculum should include entrepreneurial intentions which will help the students/learners to gain better understanding of the entrepreneurial process and implementation intention.  Implementation intention is a self-regulatory strategy in the form of an ‘if-then-plan’ that can lead to a better goal attainment, as well as help in the habit and behaviour modification.

The implementation intention is subordinate to goal intentions as it specifies when, where and how portions of goal-directed behaviour is achieved.  The concept of implementation intention was introduced in 1999 by Psychologist Peter Gollwitzer, which shows that the use of implementations intention can result in a higher probability of successful goal attainment by predetermining a specific and desired goal-directed behaviour in response to a particular future event.

People generally, have positive intentions but often fail to act on them.  The question now is how to ensure that the set goals reliably lead to the desired goal-directed behaviour and subsequent attainment of those goals.  It actually offers a practical solution to problem or establishing the skill you have learned.

It is necessary to allow learners/students to understand that implementation is geared towards achieving the set goals of an entrepreneur, to be more specific in turning the skill into practical which must yield a profit or reward that will enhance our economy.

Having formed a concrete plan involving a specific trade/skill, this then becomes mentally represented and activated leading to better perception, attention and memory concerning the skill.  Implementation intentions can be a good strategy to reach your set goals.

Entrepreneurial actions such as generation of business idea, identification of business opportunity and even striving to learn the trade/skill will be facilitated if introduced to the learners to having at the back of their minds that implementation intention is the achievement of those skills.

Another lucrative skill is ‘Make-up Artistry, learning this trade is highly on point now, everyone wants to look at his/her best not only when going for an occasion and also, there is never a time when there will not be any celebration, it’s not possible, therefore, for someone to have learnt this trade/skill, and decided not to implement or transform the trade into profit making is tantamount to an offence and lack of entrepreneurial implementation intentions.

Make-up artistry aside, facial artistic designs/decorations also includes the hairdo or head tie (gele), painting of finger nails, colour combinations cum the attire.  Then, after the training, which must reflect their understanding of implementation intentions, you will discover that such person/learner will always want to have his/her own business set up without delay.

Therefore, if 10,000 learners per year implement/turn their skills by establishing an outfit or set-up businesses, honestly, this will boost the economy of our nation.

Learn a trade today and be empowered for life.

Think Entrepreneurship: Skill acquisitions (9) Make-up artistry

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Think Entrepreneurship: Skill acquisitions (9) Make-up artistry

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