

With Dr. Faosat Aragbaiye

Appendicitis occurs when the appendix becomes inflamed. Appendicitis is an emergency requiring immediate medical care.
Most people with appendicitis feel varying levels of sharp cramping or pain in the lower right abdomen, depending on how serious the inflammation is.
The most common symptom of appendicitis is abdominal pain that tends to:
begin near the belly button , moving lower and to the right
worsen when moving, inhaling deeply, sneezing, or coughing
develop very suddenly
worsen in a matter of hours
be severe and feel unlike other pain the person has felt before
occur before additional symptoms
Aside from abdominal pain, appendicitis symptoms also include:
loss of appetite
nausea and vomiting
unexplained exhaustion
excessive gas or inability to pass gas
swelling in the abdomen
increased urinary frequency and urgency
pain while extending the right leg or the right hip
The early symptoms of appendicitis can be subtle, and they typically appear in the first 12–24 hours.
Around 75% of people with appendicitis develop symptoms that require medical attention within 24 hours of the start of inflammation.
In pregnancy:-Pregnant women may experience pain in a different part of the abdomen, as their body will reposition itself to accommodate the growing fetus.
Pregnant women may also experience nausea or vomiting, and they may develop tenderness anywhere on the right side of the abdomen.
In children-Most cases of appendicitis occur in children aged 10–20 years old, so it is important to be aware of the different signs and symptoms that it can cause in children.
Some children, especially young children, they may not be able to fully describe or express their symptoms. This can make appendicitis harder to detect.
Children may also exhibit nonverbal signs of pain, such as:
walking bent over
lying on their side
acting withdrawn
being excessively fussy
being difficult to wake or keep awake
In older adults-Older adults with appendicitis may also become confused.
In diagnosing appendicitis, a doctor will perform a physical examination, symptoms and.medical history would also be considered.
The following test may be carried out:
Blood tests: These tests can check for dehydration, fluid or electrolyte imbalances, or signs of infection, such as high white blood cell counts.
Ultrasounds, X-rays, or MRI scans: These tests allow the doctor to see the person’s abdominal organs and structures.
Urinalysis: This test can help rule out kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
Pregnancy tests: This test can rule out pregnancy as a cause of a person’s symptoms.
Risk factors and prevention
There is usually no way to prevent appendicitis. Some people even have a higher risk of developing it.
Risk factors for appendicitis include:
Age: Most people get appendicitis at 10–20 years of age.
Sex: Males are more likely to develop acute appendicitis generally, but females are more likely to develop it at 14–25 years of age.
Low fiber diet: A low fiber diet can potentially cause fats, undigested fiber, and inorganic salts to build up in the appendix and cause inflammation or obstruction.
Genes: Studies suggest that genetics can play a role in appendicitis.
Appendicitis, especially when undiagnosed and untreated, can lead to serious complications.
The complications of appendicitis include:
Perforation and rupture
If the opening to the appendix becomes blocked, the surrounding tissues may die from a lack of oxygen and nutrient exchange.
Sometimes, a bacterial infection can cause an abscess to form around the appendix when it bursts. Complications from surgery can also cause this.
Once the appendix ruptures or leaks into the abdominal cavity, the lining of the abdomen will become inflamed. This inflammation is known as peritonitis.
Severe, widespread, or untreated bacterial infections can enter the blood and spread through the body. This can cause fatal complications.
Most people with appendicitis require surgery, or appendectomy, to remove the appendix and repair any surrounding tissue or organ damage.
Prompt surgery reduces the risk of appendix rupture and other complications.
A surgeon will usually perform appendectomy using one of two procedures: open surgery or laparoscopic surgery.
Other treatments
To address complications, healthcare professionals may also use other treatments, such as:
removing infected abdominal tissue
draining pus from the abscess or infection site
blood transfusions
intravenous electrolyte or fluid therapy.


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