
Stress management

By Dr. Aragbaye
Stress can be defined as a response of the body to any demand placed on it. Stress can be influenced by both external and internal factors.

Examples of external factors include work, relationships and finances. Internal factors such as health, poverty and amount of sleep. Stress is a normal human experience and can be useful when dealing with demanding situation.

For example, it can help in performing optimally when meeting a tight deadline.

Signs of stress

The body deals with acute stress by releasing chemical that tell the body that is in danger and therefore activates the flight or fight response.

The response is a survival mechanism that prepares the body to face danger. Changes seen during this response include increased heart rate, rapid breathing, dry mouth, poor sleep and sweating. This response does not have any long term effects on the body and often can help in dealing with stressors. Stress in many instances, can be useful and help the person deal with demands placed on them by making them more alert, energized and attuned to external cues.

However, long term exposure to stress and exposure of the body to high level of hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline can lead to increased vulnerability to illnesses such as depression, obesity, heart diseases etc.

Symptoms of stress

The symptoms of stress can vary between different individuals. The most common symptoms are; sleep disturbance, muscle tension, irritability, anxiety. depression, tiredness, lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, change in eating habits, increased use of alcohol or other drugs and unhealthy eating and decreased level of exercise.

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Causes of stress

Certain life situation are more likely to predispose a person to experience stress, financial pressures, unemployment, work stress, social isolation, conflict, personal/family illness and relationship problems

Stress management

Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s level of stress, especially chronic stress usually for the purpose of improving everyday functioning.

Ten tips to manage stress

Learning how to manage your stress takes practice, but you can and need to do it. Here are 10 ways to make it easier.

  1. Exercise: – Working out regularly, thus relaxing your body and mind. Exercise improves mood. Remember that doing any exercise is better than none at all.
  2. Relax your muscles: – Muscles get tensed when stressed. There is therefore need to loosen them up by stretching, massage, taking a hot bath or shower and getting a good night’s sleep
  3. Deep breathing: – when stressed, stop whatever you are doing and take a deep breath for 5-10 minutes at a time.
  4. Healthy eating: – Eating a regular well balanced diet. Don’t skip your breakfast.
  5. Slow Down: – Modern life is so busy and sometime we need to slow down and chill out. For example; breakdown jobs into smaller ones. For example, assign some tasks to your subordinates, so that you won’t be over worked.
  6. Take a break: – You need to plan on some real downtime to give your mind time off from stress. Restful things you can do include; meditation, yoga, prayer, listening to your favourite music and spending time with nature.
  7. Make time for hobbies: – You need to set aside time for things you enjoy. Try to do something every day that makes you feel good and it will help relieve your stress. 15-20 minutes will do the wonder. Relaxing hobbies includes things like- reading, knitting, swimming, etc.
  8. Talk about your problems: – It’s better to discuss your problems with your confidants, family, friends, doctor or a therapist. This can also help in lowering one’s stress. You can also talk to yourself.
  9. Go easy on yourself: – Accept that you can’t do things perfectly no matter how hard you try. You can’t control everything in life. Don’t forget to keep up your sense of humour. Laughter goes a long way towards making you feel relaxed.
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10.Eliminate triggers: – Identify the biggest causes of stress in your life. Try to eliminate the one that is possible to eliminate and the one that’s not possible, try to reduce it. But if you can’t identify the stressor then keep a stress journal.


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