Viral video of a teacher maltreating a 3-year old Pupil in Lagos

If you were the parent, what would you do and how do you think such occurrences can be prevented in schools?
Sulyman Pakoyi, Mujeebah Shittu & Omowumi Oyewumi

As a parent, my immediate response to a teacher’s misconduct would be to prioritize my child’s well-being, report the incident to school management and authorities, and demand a thorough investigation.
To prevent such occurrences, schools should implement stricter recruitment processes, provide regular training and monitoring of teachers, and enforce zero-tolerance policies for child maltreatment, with immediate disciplinary actions and legal consequences for violations.

Based on my own view from the video and my conclusions, the teacher is not normal psychologically.
A teacher is to impart knowledge and by beating her pupils, she can never impart any knowledge. I would recommend serious counselling and if repeated again, she should be sacked.

My honest conclusion is that the woman took her anger out on the kid.
In order for such incidents not to happen again, from time to time, alway check up on your employees, be it teachers or not. Assess them and ask questions
One thing about bad behavior/ attitude is that you can’t hide it for long.
If you assess them regularly, you will know who the bad egg is and remove them before there’s damage.

To be honest, I think I will take the matter straight to court and see to it that the teacher is locked up and the school closed down.

It’s inappropriate for a teacher to hit a little child with such venom because of his inability to learn fast. There are different types of children the talented, the slow learners and normal learners. This child happens to fall into the slow learners category and this makes the child’s to catch up in class slowly. In as much as I’m fully in support of discipline in schools, discipline is done when a child misbehaves, not when he/ she is a slow learner.
Not everyone who is educated can teach. I’m actually happy she has been arrested.
Na this kind one go use fire burn house girl bcoz she no put enough salt for food (pidgin).
In my own opinion, a teacher should be one of the pupils best friends, but in this case it’s not so. Before I take my child to a school, I’ll make sure the school lays down their dos and don’ts, more like regulations, before me to analyze.
If I was a parent to such a child, I’d also arrest the teacher because that was just too much for a little kid at such an age. It’s obvious such is being done to other children, not just that little kid alone.
Our private and public schools should, please, employ certified teachers, especially when it has to do with handling children.
Schools shouldn’t just employ teachers anyhow because they need them urgently. There are procedures with which things ought to be done in schools, but nowadays it’s the opposite.

I’d report the teacher and demand her dismissal, and potentially press charges. To prevent similar incidents, I’d seek assurances from the school and advocate measures like careful teacher hiring, classroom CCTV cameras, and regular teacher training on effective classroom management.

If I am the parent of the child, I’ll hold the school responsible for whatever happens to my kids. They employed the teacher and as a standard school, I believe they should screen their staff well and also monitor the activity and behaviour of each staff. I want to believe that the staff had been maltreating kids before then for her to have come up with such behaviour.
I’ll get the school management and the particular staff arrested and make sure they take responsibility in taking care of my kid. I’ll also ensure they feel remorseful that such occurrence never repeat itself. It should serve as a great lesson to others.

I’m going to take my concerns to the school administration, because it’s clear they haven’t been doing their job properly. I’ll also be talking to the legal team and taking action against the management.
I think the management should face consequences for their mistakes. This would encourage them to be more careful and prevent similar problems from happening in the future.
I feel if this was my child, I’d be very angry, I’d be very mad at the teacher because personally I don’t even beat my own child like that and I feel like teachers or guardians should know that we should always let children be children. There are some things that they will know at their own pace.
Naturally, every child will grow. So, all you just have to do is direct with your little guidance and before you know it, they’ll be fine. If someone has anger issues, you must know how to control your frustration. Olayinka Ajayi
If I were the parent, I would have taken the same action as the parent of the child. Discipline should only be applied when a student or animal has committed an offence.
To prevent similar incidents, I suggest screening teachers for mental stability and tolerance before hiring them, using methods like simulated life situations, and applying this to both public and private schools. Yusuf Oladimeji