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What should the government do to stop scooping fuel from fallen tankers?

By Sulyman Pakoyi, Mujeebah Shittu & Omowumi Oyewumi

In recent times, Nigeria has continued to experience fuel tanker accidents, often resulting in explosions. Tragically, people attempting to scoop fuel from the fallen tankers have either been killed or terribly injured. Only a few escaped by the whiskers. Weekend Hope went out to gauge public opinion and explore what the government can do to reduce, if not prevent, such incidents from recurring.

Ojesanmi Temitope Hammed

The government should explore alternative methods of transporting fuel across states to ensure a more efficient and reliable supply. Relying solely on the current system will continue to cause tanker accident which is leading cause of fuel scooping in the country. Implementing safer and more sustainable transportation options could improve distribution and reduce risks.

Pipelines maybe another option to explore. However, it comes with it own challenges such as of vandalization and bursting of pipes. Also, the maintenance of pipelines is still another issue that will need a lot of money.

Alfred Ejiro Samuel

The government can curb fuel scooping by educating citizens on its dangers through nationwide awareness programs. This effort would discourage individuals from engaging in such hazardous activities and help prevent fuel-related accidents. Moreover, authorities should assign the orientation agency to lead extensive campaigns while ensuring that petrol tanker drivers are well-trained in road safety and emergency protocols.

Sulyman Jamiu

The government should invest in the construction and maintenance of better roads to ensure smooth and safe transportation of fuel. Poor road conditions contribute to accidents, delays, and damage to tankers, making fuel distribution inefficient. Upgrading highways and alternative routes will enhance mobility and reduce risks associated with fuel transportation.

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Also,Relying solely on road transport for fuel distribution increases congestion and accident risks. Exploring other options like railways, pipelines, or waterways can ease pressure on roads and ensure a more efficient fuel supply chain. This diversification will also help in reducing road maintenance costs and improving overall logistics.

Furthermore, Overloading tankers is a major cause of accidents, road damage, and fuel spills. Strict enforcement of weight regulations will ensure that vehicles do not carry more than their designed capacity. Regular inspections and penalties for violations will help maintain road safety and prevent tanker-related disasters.

Aguma Anthony

What the government should do concerning people scooping oils or fuel from the floor on the roads. I don’t think the government would do anything about it per se, because it can’t just, yes, the government is responsible for us, let’s say that, but regardless, we should still use our own initiative to know, okay, this thing could be harmful to us, or this thing could cause explosion.

Accidents happen, and with the way the country is right now, or the way Nigeria, we all know Nigeria to be, we can’t just get fire services or any form of governmental help immediately. So I just feel like first thing we should do as humans is we should know how to use our initiative to be safe, to stay safe first, before, let me say, governments could actually help us. And if governments want to help us, we can just put fire services at, let me say, every bus stops, or every, let’s say governments recognized, every public place, public bus stops, fire services, or any form of government official to be there to be, who have easy access to those kind of, shall I say, facilities, yeah.

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Olanrewaju Saheed

I don’t think for this particular situation the government can be blamed or the government has any kind of responsibility because we as citizens we have to take some responsibility for our behaviors and you know for taking risks. Everyone knows that tankers are extremely dangerous and you know how easily petrol can ignite or diesel or any of these fuel substances yet when this situation happens people still approach these things and they try their luck.

I understand that there is like the economy is hard. The economy is hard, there’s no money, there’s no food and any opportunity where people can look to any fuel box they jump at it but at the same time you shouldn’t be too willing to put your life at risk at such obvious risks just because an opportunity arises. So as individuals we need to take responsibility here.

It’s not everything that the government can intervene in. The only solution government could make for this is to improve the standard of living which is not a one-time thing. It’s not an instantaneous thing. It’s something that would have to happen over a period of years. Something that we’ve been looking forward to for a long time and it hasn’t still come to fruition. So I don’t think there’s any quick solution the government can do but as citizens we just have to avoid risky situations.

The government must ensure that all fuel tankers are equipped with safety valves and other protective measures before they are allowed to embark on a journey. These safety valves help prevent fuel leakage in the event of an accident, reducing the risk of fire outbreaks and explosions that could lead to loss of lives and property. Additionally, other protective measures such as reinforced tank walls, speed limit regulations, and mandatory driver training on emergency response should be enforced to enhance overall road safety. Regular inspections should also be conducted to ensure compliance with these safety standards, preventing potential disasters caused by negligence or poor maintenance of fuel tankers.

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The government should construct a very good road, bad road contributes to accidents cause tankers doesn’t have a strong life style due to much of load so it will be difficult for them to move freely,when the road is good it will be more convenient and easy.

They should monitor the companies in charge and checkmate the drivers,and the trucks if it’s intact and sound in order to carry out the task or assignment easily cause some trucks can be on the road for two three days or a week…in other words they should make sure the drivers doesn’t drive recklessly.


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